The Flop House Wiki


Dan: Hey all, before we get to this week's show just a content warning: There's discussions of sexual assault that took US — the Flop House — by surprise, so we don't want it to take you by surprise — as the listener. Um, yeah. And apologies, an earlier version of this episode went up with a content warning, but it was just in the show notes which I know a lot of you don't read. So I wanted to throw this one up there that has it just front and centre. If you can... be prepared to listen to it, I think it's still a great show with a great guest named Jordan. But we didn't really know some of the more dark places that this would go, so we wanted you all to be prepared. Thanks. Bye!

Show Notes[]

Author and host of Max Fun‘s very own Feeling Seen podcast, Jordan Crucchiola, joins us to talk about Georgia Rule, the film she claims has the largest discrepancy between what the viewer expects the movie to be and what it actually is.

CONTENT WARNING: includes references to sexual assault, a surprising element in the film’s plot that certainly took us off guard, so we don’t want you to have to experience the same surprise, if you’re not up for it.

Movie Summary[]



Final Judgments[]

­I don't think that I could stomach combining Garry Marshall with a plot that has a reveal of consistent sexual assault.
       — Glad I Missed It (Dan) @36:55
Morbidly Curious About It (Stuart) @37:35
Probably Going to Keep Missing It (Elliott) @41:05

Episode Summary[]


­Flawless introduction! You stated the thesis, you confused the thesis, and you discarded the thesis.
       —Elliott @01:35

Ad Break[]


  • Solo Dan Ad Read
  • Stitchfix @34:10

Maximim Fun[]

  • Tiny Victories @32:30
  • Depresh Mode @33:20


