The Flop House Wiki



Show Notes[]

While we’re sad to say goodbye to beloved Producer Jordan, we’re happy to welcome Producer Alex, as he drops by to tell us about a forgotten TV movie from horror icon Wes Craven, Invitation to Hell!

Movie Summary[]


The seductive director (Robert Urich) of the Steaming Springs Country Club recruits new members in Silicon Valley.

Final Judgments[]

­It both sounds really funny, and it sounds like it might have that quality that a dumb horror movie sometimes has where the ineptness of the plotting kind of makes it creepier, like it evokes a dream you might have
       — Had to Not Miss It (Dan) @1:26:55

­ Maybe I'm gonna head over to youtube and look up... Bruce Springstee— what's the name of the movie?
       —Either Sad I Missed It or Had to Not Miss It (Stuart) @1:28:16

­I don't know if I'm gonna Had to Not Miss It necessarily, if only because I have limited time in my day
       —Sad I Missed It (Elliott) @1:28:34

Episode Highlights[]


­It's a mini, it's other stuff. If this is your first episode: probably slam on the breaks, hit reverse, pick a different episode. And then you can come back to this one when you have a little bit of affection for us and you like our brand of shenanigans
       —Stuart @0:31

­I still get emails every day about Rusty the Dog... uh... Rusty: a Dog's Tale? I don't even remember the title, that's how excited I am every time I one of those emails — I don't even read it!
       —Stuart @7:09


  • Alan Moore's "Elliott OverThere" @1:35
  • Alex's Wizard Beard @2:49
  • Dumbledore's Novelty T-Shirts @3:30
  • Phantom Thread & the Phantom Menace @5:25
  • Micro-dosing and Moustaches @7:53
  • [...]
  • Youtube algorithms @1:28:34


  • Solo Dan Read of Squarespace @46:02


