The Cryptkeeper @28:10
- "It's the most magical time of the year: Shocktober! And we kick it off with Paul Bettany's Flop House followup to Legion—Priest."
Movie Summary[]
A priest disobeys church law to track down the vampires who kidnapped his niece.
In a society ravaged by centuries of war between humans and vampires, a legendary warrior priest, a veteran of the last conflict, lives in an enclosed city ruled by the church. When a murderous pack of vampires kidnaps his niece, the priest breaks his sacred vows and sets out to rescue her before the bloodsuckers put the bite on her. Joining him on his quest are his niece's boyfriend and a former priestess with supernatural fighting skills.
- Smash Cut @08:20
- Submarine Sandwich @21:50
- The Invisible Maniac @22:00
- Star Wars @22:50
Final Judgments[]
- Snorifying (Stuart) @29:15
- Totally Snorifying (Dan) @29:45
- Snorifying (Tom) @30:50
Episode Highlights[]
- Garfield as a suicide bomber @17:05
- Real Steel @52:00
Movie Pitches[]
- “Look at those rocks—it looks like a penis! Look at those rocks—they look like boobs!”
—Stuart @25:10
Listener Mail[]
Mailbag Song[]
- @Time
- "Mail Title" from John Lastnamewithheld @Time
- DuckTales @33:05
- Popcorn Trick @33:10
- "Mail Title" from Listener Lastnamewithheld @Time
- "Mail Title" from Listener Lastnamewithheld @Time
- Drive (2011) by Nicolas Winding Refn (Tom) @51:30
- H.O.T.S. (1979) by Gerald Seth Sindell (Dan) @49:45
- Let the Right One In (2008) by Tomas Alfredson (Tom) @51:15
- Minority Report (2002) by Steven Spielberg (Stuart) @51:45