The Flop House Wiki


Dan: On this episode we discuss House of Gucci.
Elliott: No, Dan, you mispronounced it. The title is (puts on exaggerated Italian accent) HOUSE OF GUCCI!

Official Show Notes[]

Up until now, Audrey has been like one of those sitcom characters who’s oft-referenced, but remains unseen, but now it’s time for her to take the spotlight! Did we mention that Dan married her in November? Mazel tov, etc. And for such a joyous occasion the boys have given themselves a break by watching a movie that many people have goofed on, but they were all pretty sure they’d actually enjoy — Lady Gaga’s accent extravaganza, House of Gucci!

Movie Summary[]



Final Judgments[]

­I think it was too long, I think it could have benefited from someone – a director who was not afraid of being a little sillier.
       —Kinda-Liked (Dan) @1:26:15
­There's whole sections of the movie I don't really care about, but I do really enjoy basically any time Lady Gaga's on screen. I think she's great and makes the movie really fun. And of course the Aldo-Paolo stuff's great.
       —Kinda-Liked (Stuart) @1:27:15
­Everyone's giving it their all, it's a lot of fun
       —Kinda-Liked (Audrey) @1:27:40
­There's flaws in this, and I can recognize the flaws, but yeah, like, the performances are great, the makeup's fantastic, and there's a lot of fun scenes.
       —Kinda-Liked (Elliott) @1:28:15

Episode Summary[]


Audrey: I have to say it's been my dream to work with my favourite podcaster Elliott Kalan; my favourite.
Elliott: Aw, thank you Audrey. I'm looking forward to it too
Stuart: How quickly that dream'll become a nightmare in a moment.
Elliott: Oh, it's a real monkey's paw situation, yeah.
Dan: It's easy to love him from the outside
Dan: This next letter's from Amelia lastnamewithheld, who writes, "Dear Peaches" –
Audrey: quietly Bedelia? Amelia?
Elliott: It has to be. It has to be "Bedelia"
Stuart: I'm assuming Amelia heard that for the first time ever just now on the podcast.
Dan: Aw... "Recently we discovered 3 wasp nests inside our chimney. We found this out" –
Elliott: Oof!
Dan: – "when dozens of wasps started pouring out of the fireplace one afternoon."
Elliott: Yikes, that's horrible! Wait, are they certain it isn't that a mummy had been awoken somewhere in the house?

Ad Break[]

Maximum Fun[]

  • Feeling Seen @1:31:10
  • Baby Geniuses @1:31:55


  • Squarespace @1:32:40


  • Elliott's issue 2 of The Maniac of New York @1:35:45

Listener Mail[]

Mailbag Song[]



  • Series you've dipped out of and found later developments baffling from Tyler "Perry" @1:36:45
    • Angel, the show not the movie (Dan)
    • The Venture Bros., You (Stuart)
    • X-Men comics (Elliott)
    • Archer, Community, Search Party, A.P. Bio (Audrey)
  • Fireplace wasps and Candyman; Have you ever lived a moment straight out of a movie? from Amelia "Bedelia" @1:49:00
    • Stuart's run-in with log-bees
    • Elliott's work-trip to Atlanta listening to Cat's in the Cradle while his family had the best reunion ever
    • Dan realizing he'd fallen for Audrey in the style of a Romantic Comedy
    • Audrey killed a pigeon with her bad energy and brought it back to life


  • The French Dispatch (2021) by Wes Anderson (Dan) @1:57:45
  • The French Dispatch (2021) by Wes Anderson (Elliott) @1:57:45
  • I'm Not Scared (2003) by Gabriele Salvatores (Audrey) @2:05:35
  • The Power of the Dog (2021) by Jane Campion (E) @2:07:55


Elliott: Did you guys know that the founder of Gucci was named Guccio Gucci?
Stuart: (quietly) That's fucking sick.
Dan: I didn't know that.
Audrey: Wait, you're kidding right?
Elliott: His first name was Guccio, and there's a lot of Italian names in between, and then his last name was Gucci.
Dan: Oh.
Elliott: And I'm like, "What a country, I love it." (Audrey laughs)
Dan: 'Cause Gucci O'Gucci sounds like an Irish-Italian name.
Elliott: Yeah, yeah, that's (vaguely Irish/Italian accent) Gucci O'Gucci!