The Flop House Wiki


Dan: On this episode we discuss North.
Elliott: A comedy that's got its fair share of offensive racial stereotypes, but hey it was made all the way back in – what the fuck, 1994?
Dan: (chuckles) Yeah.

Official Show Notes[]

Editor of ScreenCrush, Matt Singer stops by The Flop House, and weirdly, he didn’t want to talk about Gymkata. Instead, he forced us to experience North, the movie that Roger Ebert hated SO much that he named his book of bad movies after his review.

Movie Summary[]



Final Judgments[]

­I was having a lot of trouble paying attention by the end, so I would not recommend anyone watch this.
       —Bad-Bad Movie (Dan) @1:22:00
­It's not very good.
       —Bad-Bad Movie (Elliott) @1:22:40
­I was not particularly enjoying it and then he got to Texas and I'm like, 'Ok, maybe we're gonna see some actors that I have affection for doing some kinda fun stuff' and then it all went downhill – it all got worse. So, no thanks.
       —Bad-Bad Movie (Stuart) @1:22:45
­It doesn't start from a high point, but after those first 20 minutes it takes a very steep drop.
       —Bad-Bad Movie (Adam) @1:23:00

Episode Summary[]


Dan: I forget dreams right away. And you guys may as well, so I... you know, if you can't remember any, uh –
Stuart: I would say probably the one that springs to mind is the most recent, which obviously is gonna be – walk into dangerous horny territory, 'cause you know, the pandemic and everything.
Elliott: What? I don't understand. Explain how those concepts are related.
Stuart: I dunno, they – you know –
Dan: Viruses horn Stuart up.
Stuart: It's one of the –
Elliott: I think –
Stuart: It's a side effect of Covid.
Elliott: "Mr President, there's a new Covid variant that makes people intensely horny."
Stuart: I'm just trying to blame it, it's like Rob Reiner blaming everything on that kid
Elliott: Rob Reiner jumps out, "It's Stuart's dream, everybody! Don't blame him! It was Stuart's Dream!
Stuart: The – so –
Elliott: "I'm a Good guy, I'm liberal, come on!"
­I guess I only have dreams about celebrities who are problematic celebrities who I don't want to deal with, and they show up in my dreams. So don't blame me – Rob Reiner, help me with this – don't blame me, it's my dream!
       —Elliott @1:36:40
Adam: I don't think he counts, does Spiderman count as a celebrity?
Stuart: YES.
Elliott: Uh, yes. I think so.
Adam: I had short dreams –
Stuart: Uh, ask J. Jonah Jameson.

Ad Break[]

Maximum Fun[]

  • The Adventure Zone: Ethersea @1:27:45
  • MaxFunDrive 2021 Pin Sales @1:28:35


  • Squarespace @1:29:45
  • 2x Jumbotron @1:32:05


  • Elliott's The Maniac of New York #4, and #5 @1:33:40

Listener Mail[]

Mailbag Song[]

Why's Dan Kinda Weird With The Letters? @1:34:40 - @1:35:20


  • Your most memorable celebrity dream that you could recount within 30 seconds from Rich Lastnamewithheld @1:35:15
    • Christina Hendricks kept touching him (Stuart)
    • Becoming the head writer for a show for Milo Yiannopoulos (Elliott)
    • "a certain comedian" decided to make a movie about his statement about race relations in America (Elliott)
    • "I do sometimes have dreams with Spiderman, and swinging around with Spiderman (Adam) @1:39:15
    • Bartender Stress Dreams, à la Mother! (Stuart)
  • Dan's Abuse of Time Travelling Powers/dynamically inserted MaxFunDrive reminders from Chris "Gaines", or "Maloney" @1:40:45
    • Dan apologizes for catching listeners in his net.


  • Out of the Past (1947) by Jacques Tourneur (Dan) @1:42:15
  • Jakob's Wife (2021) by Travis Stevens (Stuart) @1:43:20
  • The Cremator (1969) by Juraj Herz (Elliott) @1:44:30
  • Multiple Maniacs (1970) by John Waters (Adam) @1:46:20


Dan: I put that up mostly because it looks so empty behind me. Um. Ok.
Stuart: Now it's full of bison. Oooook.
Elliot and Dan: M. Bison.
Elliott: Oh! (Dan laughs)