PLEASE NOTE! The audio at the beginning of the episode is pretty bad, due to technical problems that had our guest’s audio dropping out occasionally, but it DOES clear up fairly quickly, so please bear with us.
Also, we’re doing a new Flop House VIRTUAL LIVE SHOW! On Saturday, February 6th, at 9 pm Eastern, we’ll be talking about TEEN WOLF', America’s top basketball movie! We’ll also be doing presentations, Q&A, and a few NEW SURPRISES! Worried that you CAN’T WATCH LIVE? Worry not! Ticket holders have a week to watch! Just $10 for a ticket! Buy them HERE!
Movie Summary[]
Final Judgments[]
“This is just kind of... there. I don't DISLIKE this movie, but there's not... like, it's almost like everything's in perfect balance, good and bad, such as to make it nothing. [...] if you're dozing on the couch, this would be a great way to spend your time. ” —Kinda-Liked It (Dan) @1:07:20
“It's not... terrible. It's just kinda like... alright. In a world where there are 40 superhero movies a year, it seems, coming out, there's room for a mediocre superhero movie like this. ” — Kinda-Liked It (Elliott) @1:08:40
“It just washed over me and is going to be forgotten” —Bad-Bad Movie (Stuart) @1:19:10
“Hypothetically I like a lot of this stuff, but it's just... the movie is almost as empty as that weird hospital. It's just like there's not enough in it!” —Bad-Good Movie (Arnie) @1:10:45
Now why don't you just run them together and be Arniekamp? Just be like a one-word, like a "Madonna", or a "Cher", or uh... a "Prometheus." You know, just a one-word name. You know?
(laughs) "Prometheus."
They're icons, icons! Cher, Madonna, and Prometheus.
Arnie, I wanna stop talking about your name and actually start talking about your work. How does it feel –
I mean Prometheus only had, like, the one hit though.
I don't think it's fair to put him in the same –
Uuuuuh, fire is a big hit, Stu. And he could have – it's not fair to judge him against the records of recording artists who were not chained to a rock so a vulture can rip their liver out every day.
That's true
That's gonna impede your work.
The attempt to do coming of age – like a "coming of age" story, or a "coming into your powers" has been done so many times. And so many –
Or coming in bears.
Yeah, or coming into bears. (Dan laughs) But, like, I mean after seeing Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse where we see –
Wait, wait, I'm so sorry, I gotta stop. Dan, it's the other way around. It's not "coming into bears", it's the other – that's gross.
"Good. Things. Come. In Bears!"
No no, it's getting OUT of bears! You wanna get OUT of that bear!
Yeah, you wanna get all the come out of that bear.
Oh, no!
(laughing) Good. Things. Come. In. Bears.
“While watching it I did invoke a philosophy that we've espoused on the show a few times which is 'If this movie were a better movie, this movie would be good.'” —Dan @1:11:55