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Dan: On this episode we discuss Six Weeks.
Stuart: (to the tune of One Week) It's been six weeks since you met that kid, cocked your head to the side and said "you're Dudley." ...I don't know the rest of the lyrics.
Dan: Like those are the real lyrics. I don't know –
Stuart: That's what it says on my phone!
Alonso: "the rest"

Official Show Notes[]

We’ve been wanting to get Alonso Duralde on the show for a while — not only because he’s the senior film critic for The Wrap, and not only because he’s the host or co-host of a number of podcasts, including Max Fun’s own Who Shot Ya?, but because he literally wrote the book on Christmas movies. So, of course, this holiday season he picked a movie that barely sort of has Christmas stuff in it — the double-Moore weepie Six Weeks. THANKS FOR NOTHING, BUDDY! (jk – he’s a delight.)

Movie Summary[]



Final Judgments[]

­By the end of it, it put me in a bad mood. I was angry at the movie, I got out of it, I don't hold it against Alonso but I... you know, I walked out of it in a sour mood. I thought the people were bad, I didn't like it. It was boring.
       —Bad-Bad Movie (Dan) @1:08:50
­It was like a little taste of the kind of movie that I imagine my parents going to go see when I was a kid and then just being so disappointed and coming back and not telling me about it. [...] I appreciated it – not as a movie, it was terrible; but I appreciate it as a snapshot of a worse time.
       — Bad-Bad Movie (Elliott) @1:09:15
­It's fun to get to watch a bad movie from another era. And bad in ways that are – it didn't feel bad in the boring modern kind of overproduced Hollywood way. It felt like a little bit of that, but also a little bit of 'this is somebody's passion project.' Even if it wasn't, it felt a little bit like somebody cares about this dumb movie that doesn't make sense. Who is this movie for? Nobody knows.
       —Bad-Bad Movie (Stuart) @1:10:00
­It is bad in the way of 'Some one thought this was a good idea. Someone really committed to the bit of this thing.'
       —Bad-Bad Movie (Alonso) @1:10:35

Episode Summary[]


Elliott: (sings to tune of It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, then Carol of the Bells) What about this. ....Uh. Wait, are there other Christmas songs? I can't think of any.
Alonso: No, not a one.
Elliott: Oh, ok. That's too bad.
Stuart: Oh, Dan's looking for a way to turn off his computer. I guess he's done.
­Look, guys, Cagemas is a made-up holiday, like Christmas. We can put it where ever we want to.
       —Elliott @1:26:40
­It reminds me of working at Barnes and Noble [...] someone came in once and said, 'Where's the book with the blue cover that I saw a month ago?' And I was like, 'I don't know; who was it by?' I don't know. 'What was the title?' I don't know. 'What was it about?' I don't know. And I said to the person, 'Why do you wanna read this book?' And they got mad at me.
       —Elliott @1:33:40
­My wife and I talk about watching Cats the same way that some couples talk about, like, having a threesome where she – I don't think – where she's not that into it, but she'll do it for me, you know? So she's like, 'yeah, I guess I'd watch Cats with you' and I'm like 'Maybe tonight's the night.'
       —Elliott @1:40:30

Ad Break[]

Maximum Fun[]

  • Bullseye @1:12:30
  • Minority Korner @1:13:00


  • Squarespace @1:13:55
  • KittyPooClub @1:16:35
  • 2x Jumbotron @1:18:55


  • Sharlene: I Know The Owner podcast @1:21:10

Listener Mail[]

Mailbag Song[]

It's the Most Letterful Time of the Show @1:23:55 -> 1:24:25
Carol of the (Letter) Bells @1:24:40 -> @1:24:55
Here Comes Letter Cues @1:25:05->1:25:50


  • Must-Adds to a Nicolas Cage fest from Alan "Moore" @1:25:55
    • Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans (Elliott) ; Moonstruck (Stuart); Vampire's Kiss (Alonso, but not Stuart); Colour Out of Space (Dan); Into the Spiderverse (Alonso); National Treasure Movies (Dan); Conair; just the beginning of Face/Off; Family Man "if you want to be seasonal about it" (Alonso); The Trust; Teen Titans Go to the Movies (Alonso); It Could Happen to You (Elliott); Arsenal (Elliott); Valley Girl (Alonso)
  • Tim Curry in Home Alone; Characters that inspired a strange sense of pathos because of your personal experience? from Carly Lastnamewithheld @1:30:05
    • the Bob Balaban character in Lady in the Water (Alonso)
    • characters created just to be the butt of a joke (Elliott)
    • characters named Stuart and Gary
    • antipathy towards slacker characters; customer service characters dealing with difficult protagonists (Elliott)


  • The Country Bears (2002) by Peter Hastings (Dan) 1:34:30
  • Martial Law (1990) by Steve Cohen (Stuart) @1:41:05
  • Ladybug Ladybug (1963) by Frank Perry (Elliott) @1:43:00
  • Collective (2019) by Alexander Nanau (Alonso) @1:45:15


Elliott: It's very hard to –
Dan: This is how I feel about Alonso right now, this is how I feel about him for making us watch that.
Elliott: Yeah. It was very hard to jerk to. That's what I mean by it being a "tear-jerker", I was crying 'cause I was like, "I can't masturbate to this."
Stuart: Uh huh. Well I feel like you're not creative enough, my man.