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Dan: On this episode of the Flop House we discuss Uninvited.
Stuart: Another Shocktober platter of splatter for all you sicko freaks!

Show Notes[]

Our guest this week is Gillian Flynn, bestselling author of Gone Girl, Sharp Objects, and Dark Places, showrunner for Amazon’s Utopia, screenwriter of Widows and adaptations of her own work, winner of the Edgar Award, and BAFTA nominee. We have no idea why she agreed to do this either.

But we’re happy she did, because for our second and final SHOCKTOBER 2020 movie, our horror-aficionado guest picked Uninvited, and it was amazing! (to be clear, this is not THE Uninvited from 2009, which The Flop House already covered, or, for that matter, The Uninvited from 1944, about ghosts and Ray Milland. This is the 1987 direct-to-video one about the mutant killer house cat).

Also! If you’re listening on the day of release TONIGHT’S THE NIGHT (6PDT/9EDT) for our YouTube livestream version of our touring show! We’ll be doing presentations, talking Exorcist II, taking questions from Twitter, and raising money for charity! For full info, go here.

Movie Summary[]


Spring-break teens and an escaped laboratory mutant cat board a yacht with a financier and his henchmen.

Final Judgments[]

­If you don't find really weird cat-demon puppets that come out of other cat puppets' mouths but make the same sound effect over and over again — if that's not funny to you, then maybe I don't understand humour.
       —Frighteningly Funny (Elliott) @1:08:43

­I agree.
       —Frighteningly Funny (Dan) @1:09:41

­It's so silly [...] there's a lot of really weird characters, a lot of weird choices — yeah, it's super funny.
       —Frighteningly Funny (Stuart) @1:09:48

­Invite me to Uninvited! If you like your ham like you like your perms — spiralled — this is the '80s film for you.
       —Frighteningly Funny (Gillian) @1:10:13

Episode Highlights[]



Stuart: Now, are you like me — are you a cat-person?
Dan: ...What!?
Stuart: I don't mean a person who's half-cat, half-person; that would be strange.
Elliott: Oh, what a relief.

Movie Pitches[]

the alternate title for the all-twerking reboot of Footloose (Elliott) @1:25:25


  • Squarespace @1:14:14
  • Kitty Poo Club @1:16:27

Listener Mail[]

Mailbag Song[]



Why did they remake Footloose; the most unnecessary remake; a remake that turned out to be a good movie? @1:24:44
  • why? money (Stuart)
  • "Here's a name that exists already, so we're taking less of a chance with it" (Elliott)
  • J.J. Abrams reusing Khan as a villain (Elliott)
  • Robocop was pretty bland; the new Suspiria was good (Stuart)
  • The Ocean's 11 remake was good (Dan)
  • Gus Van Sant's Psycho remake was a strange choice; the Disaster Artist movie was an interesting idea; the remake of 3:10 to Yuma and Peter Jackson's King Kong were strong; NOT the remake of the Taking of Pelham 123; the new Planet of the Apes, but not the Tim Burton ones (Elliott)
  • hasn't seen the new Point Break, doesn't need anything new from it. Doesn't want to see remakes of John Carpenter films (Gillian)
  • Remaking Uninvited? (Stuart) @1:32:43
films that are especially effective with the city's geography? @1:33:45
  • Gillian Flynn's Widows for Chicago; Premium Rush for New York (Dan)
  • The Warriors for New York (Elliott)
  • Panic Room, or Tremors (Stuart)
  • Brainstorm for Durham (Gillian)


  • Hocus Pocus (1993) by Kenny Ortega​ (Dan) @1:40:30
  • Psycho Goreman (2020) by Steven Kostanski​ (Stuart) @1:42:20
  • Danton (1983) by Andrzej Wajda​ (Elliott) @1:44:25
  • Cloak & Dagger (1984) by Richard Franklin (Gillian) @1:46:18


Elliott: She slips in her watermelons-being-thrown-into-pools sound effects CD.
Stuart: Yeah, yeah, she did apples-being-thrown-into-pools and we're like, "Mmm, not loud enough."