The Flop House Wiki


Dan: On this episode we discuss—The Call of the Wild!
Stuart: [Howls.] Wipeout! [All laugh.]

Official Show Notes[]

We finally invited the boss over for dinner, so we’d better hide all those staplers we stole! Noted dog lover and the head of Maximum Fun himself, Jesse Thorn, joins us to discuss The Call of the Wild, based on that one book you probably read in middle school.

Movie Summary[]


A sled dog struggles for survival in the wilds of the Yukon.


Buck is a big-hearted dog whose blissful domestic life gets turned upside down when he is suddenly uprooted from his California home and transplanted to the exotic wilds of the Alaskan Yukon in the 1890s. As the newest rookie on a mail-delivery dog sled team, Buck experiences the adventure of a lifetime as he ultimately finds his true place in the world.

Final Judgments[]

  • if he were 20 years old he wouldn't've liked this movie, if he was seven he would have liked this move and now at 40 he likes this movie (Dan) @51:45
  • Same as Dan, would have liked it as a kid and as a young man would have thought it was boring but likes it now (Elliott) @53:00
  • Bad-bad movie (Stuart) @55:02
  • Bad-bad movie (Jesse) @57:00

Episode Highlights[]


Movie Pitches[]


Listener Mail[]

Mailbag Song[]


"Mail Title" from Listener Lastnamewithheld @Time
"Mail Title" from Listener Lastnamewithheld @Time
"Mail Title" from Listener Lastnamewithheld @Time 


  • Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020) by David Dobkin​ (Dan) @1:25:40
  • Host (2020) by Rob Savage (Stuart) @1:27:17
  • Ah Wilderness! (1935) by Clarence Brown​ (Elliott) @1:28:48
  • The Devil's Candy: The Anatomy Of A Hollywood Fiasco by Julie Salamon (Jesse) @1:31:45
  • A Thousand Clowns (1965) by Fred Coe​ (Jesse) @1:33:34


Dan: On this episode, we discuss—Call of the Wild!
Elliott: Technically, The Call of the Wild! [Dan laughs.] But why start being pedantic now? [Jesse laughs.]