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Dan: On this episode, we discuss: Artemis Fowl!
Elliott: The movie that dares to raise the question—why is this movie named after an entirely nondescript, personality-less cipher who spends the entire movie inside his own house?

Official Show Notes[]

The fuck is this? No really, the fuck is this? What is this fucking thing? What? This? From a major studio and established director? What? The fuck? This? Was made? THIS? We talk about Artemis Fowl with critic and filmmaker Scott Weinberg.

Movie Summary[]


Artemis Fowl, a young criminal prodigy, hunts down a secret society of fairies to find his missing father.


Artemis Fowl is a 12-year-old genius and descendant of a long line of criminal masterminds. He soon finds himself in an epic battle against a race of powerful underground fairies who may be behind his father's disappearance.

Final Judgments[]

  • His least favorite movie he's ever watched for The Flop House (Dan) @1:27:40
  • Bad-bad movie (Elliott) @1:27:47
  • Bad-bad movie (Stuart) @1:28:33
  • Good-bad movie because it got him onto The Flop House (Scott) @1:28:55

Episode Highlights[]


Movie Pitches[]


Listener Mail[]

Mailbag Song[]


"Mail Title" from Listener Lastnamewithheld @Time
"Mail Title" from Listener Lastnamewithheld @Time
"Mail Title" from Listener Lastnamewithheld @Time 


  • Lucky Grandma (2019) by Sasie Sealy (Dan) @1:54:20
  • Monstrum (2018) by Jong-ho Huh (Scott) @1:56:30
  • The Old Guard (2020) by Gina Prince-Bythewood (Stuart) @1:57:27
  • The Watermelon Woman (1996) by Cheryl Dunye (Elliott) @1:58:40


Dan: Nice
Elliott: Second one? Wanna do it again, Dan?
Dan: Alright. Let’s do it again
Stuart: That’s accurate.
Elliott: A second one? ‘K.
Dan: On this episode we discuss: Artemis Fowl!
Elliott: The movie that dares to raise the question—what the fuck is going on in this movie?! [Multiple people laugh.]
Stuart: Mmm. Coming in hot!
Dan: Uh… which—[Laughs.]
Elliott: [Through laughter] Coming in very hot!
Stuart: Hot! Ooo!

Mentioned In[]
