“I feel like we have to do a Flop House about Castle Freak one of these days.” —Elliott in Episode 82: Drive Angry
On this episode we discuss Castle Freak.
Wait. For real?
Official Show Notes[]
"It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for — we discuss the fabled Castle Freak. And we don’t do it alone! We do it with noted B-movie aficionado Joe Bob Briggs who you can also see on Shudder’s 'The Last Drive-In'. Meanwhile, Dan asks salient questions about Grimace’s anatomy, Elliott denies all of Dan’s best bits, and Stuart fulfills his destiny."
Movie Summary[]
An American family that has suffered tragedy inherits an Italian castle complete with bloodthirsty monster.
Final Judgments[]
“If we said anything other than this being the greatest movie that was ever made, Stuart would rip his own ding dong off in rage and beat us with it.” —Dan @1:13:37
Atlantic City (1980) by Louis Malle (Elliott) @1:49:23
Six Degrees of Separation (1993) by Fred Schepisi @1:49:55
I think my favorite was when Stuart realized that Nicolas Cage (who was also a running reference in the show) was "the original castle freak," in that he's a freak for buying castles.
That was me![1] Stop giving away my best material!
I think it was Stuart.
I didn't say it, but when Dan said it, and then I realized it when his words hit my ears. That's what you mean, right Elliott?
Yeah, that's what I meant. That's what I meant.
All right, let's --
Dan, I'm sorry. I guess because of all the jokes you do on Twitter, I didn't think that you were capable of writing a joke like that.