The Flop House Wiki


Dan: On this episode we discuss Mother's Day.
Stuart: Bar.

Official Show Notes[]

"Just in time for Mother’s Day we discuss Mother’s Day. Let it never to be said that we don’t have our finger on the pulse of the zeitgeist. Meanwhile master of impressions Dan returns, Elliott sells branded Timothy Olyphant pants, Stu explains tattoo reveals, and Paul Sabourin from Paul and Storm guests."

Movie Summary[]


Three generations come together in the week leading up to Mother's Day.


Sandy is a stressed-out, single mom who learns that her ex-husband is marrying a younger woman. Her friend Jesse is a fitness freak who doesn't tell her parents that she has a family. Bradley is a widower who's trying to raise two daughters on his own, while Miranda is too busy with her career to worry about having children. When their respective problems start coming to a head, the Mother's Day holiday takes on a special meaning.

Final Judgments[]

  • Good-Good Movie (Stuart) @51:41
  • Bad-Bad Movie (Dan) @51:50
  • Better than Home Sweet Hell (Elliott) @52:30
  • Inoffensively Bad-Bad (Paul) @53:08

Episode Highlights[]


Movie Pitches[]



Listener Mail[]

Mailbag Song[]



"Mail Title" from Listener Lastnamewithheld @Time
"Mail Title" from Listener Lastnamewithheld @Time
"Mail Title" from Listener Lastnamewithheld @Time


  • Resolution (2012) by Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead (Stuart) @Time
  • Colossal (2016) by Nacho Vigalondo (Dan) @Time
  • Topsy-Turvy (1999) by Mike Leigh (Paul) @Time
  • Train to Busan (2016) by Yeon Sang-ho (Paul) @Time
  • Bad Moms (2016) by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore (Elliott) @Time

