- "In this episode we discuss the only film where Harvey Keitel plays the father of a middle-aged Korean man: The Last Godfather."
Movie Summary[]
- An orphanage in Korea relocates to New York City.
- Al Madrigal, star of the blockbuster Lies & Illusions, fished it out of a DVD bargain bin at a gas station in Ellijay, Georgia for the specific purpose of having it flopped on the Flop House.
Final Judgments[]
- Good-Bad Movie (Elliott) @49:50
- Good-Bad Movie (Al) @50:15
- Good-Bad Movie (Dan) @50:40
Episode Highlights[]
- Flop House House Cat
- Lies & Illusions (2009)
- The Gate (1986)
- Red Shoe Diaries
- Jon Polito impressions @48:00
- “This is dedicated to Ken Segal.”
—Al @48:50
Listener Mail[]
- No mail this time.
- The Cabin in the Woods (2012) by Joss Whedon (Dan) @1:00:00
- Clifford (1994) by Paul Flaherty (Al) @58:20
- The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011) by David Fincher (Al) @58:20
- Popatopolis (2009) by Clay Westervelt (Elliott) @51:50